please send inquiries, ideas, book recommendations, and love notes to:

cy twombly's bookshelves photograph by tacita dean

select sweet nothings

I don't know if I have ever felt more seen as a painter than right this moment having read your essay. It's so beautiful. I feel humbled by your generous words and just so deeply honored. WOW~!!!! Just wow!! Thank you soo soo much!!! --H 
This is great!!! Elegant, poetic, vivid, informed, rich, energizing, cut from the same cloth as the paintings and puts words to the heart of them while keeping things open ended, free, humming. I'm honored, truly. Thank you for spending time with the work and sharing these thoughts. So happy that it resonates in this way for you, and helps to clarify / articulate many things for me. --S
YOU. ARE. UNREAL.I actually almost cried. Thank you so much Tara!! I owe you a big meal and my first born child...Literally no notes though. Your writing makes me want to go paint more :P --C

Tara, this essay is incredible! I have never had someone write for or about me with so much care and understanding. I really really love this text! Thank you thank you thank you I'm so excited to have your essay accompanying my work for this show!! --S
I love it! It needs zero changes and thank you!!! Being able to sit and talk made a huge difference, you’ve explained what I’m getting at better than I have to myself so mission accomplished! --B
This is the best thing anyone has ever written about my work. You nailed it! I couldn’t be happier! A lot of times these things are uninteresting and a bit boring…and a lot of times too technical. The way you write is highly enjoyable and I think people will get a kick out of it. Excellent job! --J