tara anne dalbow

tara anne dalbow is a writer and critic living in los angeles, ca.

she currently writes criticism, cultural commentary, exhibition essays, and catalog texts for publications (like bomb, frieze, los angeles review of books, interviewartnews, w magazine, art basel...), artists, galleries, and cultural institutions. you can find recent samples here. 

she also writes short stories like this one, poems like this one, and is finishing a literary novel. 

before moving to los angeles, she conceptualized and created a new contemporary art initiative in the hudson valley, the barns art center. as gallery director and curator, she was responsible for exhibition, education, and event programming. she also produced an immersive documentary film experience, lost arts, and developed a large-scale, site-specific installation with artist collective futurefarmers.

tara has created curriculum and taught for the school of the new york times, contributed fashion, lifestyle, and culture articles for numerous online and print publications such as blackbook magazine, man repeller, and into the gloss, and developed press, marketing, and social media strategy for various brands. she has a dog, francis. 

sarah lawrence college, mfa
chapman university, bfa